Easter People or the Walking Dead?

In 19th-century America there was actually an organization called “The Society for the Prevention of People Being Buried Alive.” Good Friday and Easter Sunday are excellent days to use your imagination to feel the suffocating awareness of being confined inside a narrow box buried under six feet of dirt! In past centuries that had been the tragic fate of some before the medical knowledge developed that could determine the difference between a coma and death.
Before the era of embalming, our first president George Washington, fearful this might be his fate, ordered he was not to be buried until three days after his death. At that time you could purchase an Escape Casket constructed with a hollow eight-foot long pipe with a warning bell at the top to which was attached a rope going down into the casket. Such Escape Caskets should be sold today!
A glance at our society shows the need of a revival of The Society for the Prevention of People Being Buried Alive since many are entombed alive by their life work. They are buried not under 6 feet of dirt but beneath the tons of pressure to meet deadlines and expectations. Those interned alive include members of all professions, the arts and even non-profit organizations. Religion also sepulchers its clergy and believers in shroud wrappings of “shoulds.” The darkness of this mausoleum prevents believers from seeing the validity of other religions.
Easter is not about an event thousands of years ago—it is about today! Easter cries out to those who have buried themselves alive, “Wake up and live a full life.” It shouts loudly to the Walking Dead, those who cynically maintain that after death there is only nothingness, and also to all of us whose destination is the grave, “Remember the dead crucified carpenter of Galilee who heard Easter’s voice to arise—and did!” He wasn’t resuscitated to his former life but was raised up into a totally new and endless existence.
Created by Divine Love, we were given a destiny to become fully human by following Jesus through death to the last stage of our evolution—endless Life. At this very moment this beautiful evolution is unfolding in us, and those awake to living in this miracle in their daily lives are the Easter People. They confidently can say, “I am, I shall be, and I shall continue to be forever.”
The saintly Russian Baroness Catherine Doherty, founder of Madonna House, said, “One day I shall wake up and I shall realize that I have lived in the splendor of God’s life within me, the likes of which I never understood.”