Home Health Care
Dear old and new friends,
Four Jewish physicians, after having several drinks, began to quarrel about which part of the body was the most important for life. Not being able to agree among themselves they decided to consult the rabbi.
The first physician began, “Of course the heart and blood vessels are the most important since life depends upon them.”
“Not at all,” replied the second physician, “the brain and nervous system is the most vital.”
The third physician said, “You are both wrong, it is the stomach and digestive passages that are essential for life.”
The fourth physician declared, “The lungs are the most important since without air the body surely will die.”
“You are all wrong,” said the rabbi. “Two vessels of which you have no knowledge are the most important part of the body!”
Surprised, the doctors asked, “Illuminate us rabbi, what are they then?”
“The channel that runs from the ear to the soul,” the rabbi replied, “and the one that runs from the soul to the tongue.”
Many take their own blood pressure daily as a way to check on their health. The wise rabbi suggests we should check daily to see if our ear-to-soul channel is open or clogged. Too much noise and insufficient periods silence in our lives clog that essential ear-to-soul canal resulting in us not hearing what we say when we speak. It is imperative for reforming our unconscious attitudes and prejudices to be able hear what we say. Our ears allow us to hear what others say to us, while we can be deaf to what we ourselves are expressing in our speech.
Next, frequently check your other vital channel from the soul-to-tongue since it can easily become blocked in our urgency to reply or speak. The need to give an instantaneous reply puts pressure on the delicate sides of the soul-to-tongue conduit squeezing them together. So pause a split second before speaking and say to your soul what you are eager to say with your lips. In a thousandth of a second your soul will critique and if needed urge censure of any words that might cause pain or offense. This simple practice also insures this spirited channel remains open.
These two simple spiritual practices help to maintain a healthy heart, for our own Rabbi Teacher Jesus reproached the accusing Pharisees, “It is from the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.”